How to Help the Right People Find Your Site suggests 6 ways you can attract the right people to your site. But Who Are the Right People? This post shows you how to attract the right people when you address them in their own language. This is a preamble to a deeper look at the 6 approaches to helping the right people find your site:
- Direct Entry – is where the customer types the url into their browser. They will do this from a business card, flyer or other promotional items. This post suggests a few things you need to consider about whether to use this approach and how to set about it.
- Back-links – is where other sites link to yours. This post explains how they work and suggests some guidance to setting them up.
- Email lists – are a good way of building a group of loyal followers. This is an old post and my thinking had moved on since I wrote it. The main thing is be sparing with your promotions by email. Send good copy with occasional offers.
- Social Media – whilst popular is not always the best medium for promoting your cause. This post shows how you can use social media to support your website.
- Pay-Per-Click – is not really something I recommend and is something I would use sparingly if at all. But it is helpful to have some idea of what’s involved.
- Search Engine Optimisation (seo) – may be the most effective way of helping others find your site, or perhaps it used to be. This is an important topic but the rules seem to change almost daily. This post suggests a few basic steps you can take.