Category Archives for "Market Together"

Business owner with arrows pointing upwards

Profit is Not Necessarily Your Financial Purpose

Last time I said for a super rocking fun time Marketing Plan, you need three strategic objectives, including your business purpose. Today I move onto your second objective, your financial purpose.

I’ve separated financial from business purpose.  If you want to make a lot of money, having a clear business purpose is essential.  Your business purpose generates enthusiasm, while your financial purpose is essential to drive your business purpose.

Usually at this point the marketing guru talks about “smashing it”, explaining how you should focus on some massive sum on the grounds that if you aim for the stars you should at least hit the moon!  I take the view every one of us wants to sit under our own fig tree.  We’re not all going to hit the stars or even the moon; there isn’t enough money in the world.  But there’s no reason we all cannot do better than break even and so achieve security for ourselves and our families.

So, not every business person is in the game for vast sums of money.  For many business people their business aim is most important but they still need a clear financial purpose.

Your Focus

The important thing to understand is your financial focus.  You need to get away from simple formulas where you aim to make so much money in a certain amount of time.  Your focus is more important.  Let me illustrate.

Imagine a coach who is starting out.  Their financial purpose is likely to be increased sales.  They need clients.  No clients and they don’t have a business.  They have no testimonials and no experience to show evidence of their skills.

However, this will not go on forever!  A successful coach will reach a point where their capacity is outgrown by numbers of clients.  Chances are this will happen before they meet their financial target.  So, another option is to change their focus to increased revenue.  One way to do this is to increase prices.  If the coach is established and has a lot of prospects, this can be effective.  Another approach may be to offer more products and services to existing clients.

The latter approach may be thwarted if new products and services also make claims on the coaches’ capacity.  So, another option may be to employ staff.  This means a coaching business with minimal costs will start to have significant costs.  At this point profit becomes more important.  You need to aim for maximising income while minimising costs.  You will have increased costs because you employ someone.  You need to plan to manage these costs whilst being a fair employer.

So, you see your financial focus can have profound implications for how you run your business.

There are other financial aims but hopefully, this illustrates the need to be clear about your financial focus.  If not, you will become stuck at some point in the growth of your business.

How Much?

You need some idea of the amount you need to be viable.  You can calculate a breakeven point by adding together your business costs and your living costs.  This will never be enough because you will have contingencies and so need to add an estimate of costs over and above everyday essentials.

At this point you can aim for the stars, if that is your wish.  You know the least you need to keep going and so you can dream of some bigger sum of money and aim for that.  This works for some people.

But many business people are not in business to make huge amounts of money.  They are in danger of underestimate their needs and under-achieving for their business in consequence.  After all higher income strongly implies greater impact on your business purpose.

But it is also easy to lose sight of your lifestyle purpose.  There will be costs attached to your lifestyle and so you need to consider what you need not only for your business but to fund the lifestyle you need to support your business.  More next time.

In these posts and emails I am forging a new approach to marketing.  Please comment and let me know what you think, whether you agree or disagree.

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The word

Your Business Purpose is Transformation

If you are seeking a super rocking fun time marketing plan, you need a strategic objective for your business.  This may be something of a disappointment – how does he go from fun to strategic objective in one sentence?  Actually, it’s worse than that.  You actually need three strategic objectives!  Give me strength!  Three?  I’m out of here …

Still here?  OK let’s take them one at a time and you will see why you need three objectives and their benefits to your business.  Three objectives sidestep the tangle of crossed purposes and emotions; trying to do everything through one objective.

Your Business Purpose

Not to put too fine a point on it, it is not true your business purpose is about money.  The business gurus and politicians will tell you business is about money.  (I’ll write about money next time.)  It isn’t.  It never has been and never will be.

Here is a quote from a contemporary economist, John Kay:

Profit is no more the purpose of business than breathing is the purpose of life.

Note what Kay is saying here: first, your purpose is not about money and second, money is crucial to your business success.


Your purpose is the change your business brings to the world.  The change you make to your clients’ quality of life is your business’s most immediate impact.  You can get feedback from your clients, as testimonials or case studies, and these prove the positive changes your work has brought about.

But your business purpose goes beyond that.  If your clients are businesses, chances are their clients will benefit from your offer.  You may seek transformation of some aspect of your clients’ business practice.  Perhaps you want to see changes to management in some specific industry, for example.

Personal clients have friends, families and neighbours and so your purpose may produce transformation in this wider community.  As a trader, you may work with other traders to transform your neighbourhood.  Your purpose relates to what you bring to positive transformation.

The Role of Money

To be successful as a business you need money.  Make a loss and sooner or later your business will end.  The issue is not whether you need money or even how much. What matters is how you approach money-making.  You need a money-making focus to meet your business purpose and your third business objective.  More about this next week.

In these posts and emails I am forging a new approach to marketing.  Please comment and let me know what you think, whether you agree or disagree.

To make sure you see everything, complete the form below to join my mailing list.  You’ll get notice of future blog posts and receive my Thursday emails.

Crowd generating enormous soap bubbles

Your Super Rocking Fun Time Marketing Plan

That got your attention!  Your Marketing Plan is of course deadly serious and the idea that you might have fun with it and actually enjoy marketing is, well – as every fool knows –  a pipedream.  Marketing distracts from your real business, from delivering your service that brings real benefit into the lives of your clients and their clients, friends, families and neighbours.



It is not your product or service that brings these benefits into the world – it is your marketing!  The truth is most of us get marketing completely wrong.  We see it as a chore, a distraction and an utter pain.  Actually, it is your business – your marketing delivers the benefits you offer to the world.

But, fun?  Isn’t it hard work?  Of course it’s hard work!  But look at this way.  If your marketing is not fun, if you do not enjoy it, what are the chances your potential customers will find your offer attractive?  And how long are you going to slog away at it?

Granted you should not appear frivolous.  Most offers need gravitas.  If you offer coaching for the bereaved, your marketing needs to reflect that but it does not mean you can’t enjoy it!  Enjoying your marketing keeps you going, keeps you sane and at some level communicates your offer as genuine.

Genuine marketing is from the heart as much as from the head and as such can be irresistible to your market.


Stay with me through the summer as I introduce you to the principles of marketing as you have never seen them before.  I guarantee, if you read my posts and emails, you will find marketing to be completely different from how you have thought of it before.  They will inspire you and inspiration is a crucial step on the road to success.

So, watch out for my Wednesday posts, where I shall introduce basic principles to help you understand marketing in a new way.

And then on Thursdays a weekly email to people on my list will explore these themes at a deeper level.  They will refer to the blog posts but take the topic in a different direction.  This is where you will find out how to enjoy marketing and harness your inspiration for the benefit of your customers and beyond.

Enter your details and press the button below, if you are not already on my mailing list. Make sure you do not miss any of these business-changing emails.