Category Archives for "Marketing"

Your Prospect’s Main Concern

What is your prospect’s main concern?  I’ve written about how the Value Triangle works and how to explain the Value Triangle  to prospects.  You will remember, or follow the links for a reminder, your customers can have two out of three values – high quality, fast speed and low-cost.

Most customers can say which of these they prefer, although perhaps most will not have given much thought to these until you ask.  But are they really their main concern?

Towards Your Market’s Problem

The real problem you have is to uncover your prospect’s concerns.  It is common to find the prospect knows they have a problem but does not know what it is!  One of the most useful services you  provide is to listen carefully and help them define their concern.

You will often be approached with a presenting problem.  This is a real problem but conceals a deeper issue that really needs to be addressed.  For example, many years ago I knew an advice worker  whose client slammed a parcel in front of her and asked: “What am I supposed to do with this?”

The parcel contained a whole fish!

The advice worker was not expert in gutting and preparing fish but dug a bit deeper.  She found the man’s wife had recently died and he was having difficulty coping.

I’m not sure the Value Triangle would be much use here.  The man had a problem and needed help to resolve it.  He may have some views about cost and time and quality but they are hardly the point!

Everyone is different and the real challenge is generalising from specific problems many people experience.  There are many bereaved people around and some need to learn to cook.  It may be possible to find a market for teaching cooking and support for the bereaved.  Usually you need research to generalise solutions from individual presenting problems.

Mistaken Markets

This is all very well but let’s imagine a business owner approaches you and says they need a new website.  You’re a web developer and so they are in the right place if they do indeed need a new website.

The first issue is to decide whether a new website is in fact what they need.  It is clearly what they want but your challenge is probe further.

  • Do they have a website already?
  • If so, what’s wrong with it?
  • What is the purpose of their website?
  • How do they manage their website?

When you ask questions like this, you may find the problem is not their website so much as their organisation.  They need help with marketing or business coaching or personal coaching.

Most web developers are not equipped to dig into these issues and indeed would see little point in doing so.  After all, their prospect presents with the website as their main concern.

Let’s say you are a business coach.  You would be interested in asking these questions but lack the opportunity to do so because someone presenting with a broken website will go to a web developer.  You don’t want to stop people who need a web developer going there but how do you find those who actually need business coaching?

Marketing is Essential

This is where marketing is essential.  You can educate your market to recognise the problems you solve before they approach the wrong business-owner.  The chances are many prospects approach the wrong people at first.  This is where collaboration and networking is important.  If a prospect comes to me with a concern I cannot address, then I can signpost them to a more appropriate provider.

Perhaps small groups of complementary businesses can be more effective than a business with a specific offer working in isolation.  After all, if their main concern requires business coaching it does not mean they will not need a website at some stage.

Has this post been helpful?  If so, let me know.  Comment to raise issues and ask for more information.  Sign up for my ebook below to receive a weekly round-up of my blog posts.

Eyes as planet earth

Your Prospect’s Worldview

Your prospect’s worldview is how they perceive and understand the world around them.  They are more likely to buy from you if your offer supports their worldview.  So, the question becomes how does your offer support their worldview.  This is essentially what marketing is about!

There are three ways to approach your prospects’ worldview.  They are not equally helpful and so how you set about this task is worth serious consideration.

Change Your Prospect’s Worldview

Generally, this is not possible.  Peoples’ worldviews are deeply entrenched and any attempt to change minds is likely to be viewed negatively.

What is a worldview?  Let’s imagine you have a herbal remedy for a medical condition.  Assume the remedy is effective and follows health and safety guidelines.  Your website outlines the treatment and offers evidence of its effectiveness.

You have two prospects.  One is a firm believer in conventional medicine.  The other believes in alternative therapies.  Neither worldview has anything to do with the effectiveness of the treatment.  The treatment would be equally effective with both prospects.

The former is more likely to be swayed by hard evidence or testimonials from established conventional practitioners.  The latter may be more interested in how the treatment works.  You are perhaps more likely to sell to the latter.

I’m not saying it is impossible to sell to the former but in doing so you will not change their worldview.  Indeed, any attempt to do so is likely to lose you the sale.  Desperation or recommendation will get them to your website or doorstep.   You may still have a job on to persuade them.

The latter may want to see the treatment as an alternative to conventional therapies.  They may have concerns about big pharmaceutical companies and so be sceptical about hard evidence that emphasises the treatment is acceptable to established medical practice.

In effect you have two markets for the same product.  To address one market may deter the other.  The former might prefer a professional looking surgery and lots of white coats.  The latter a more informal atmosphere.

Does this matter?  So long as you have enough customers, it does not.

Change Your Own Worldview

I suspect this is almost as difficult as changing your prospects’ worldview!  The issue here is your integrity.    How convincing are you likely to be if you do not really believe in your offer?  Someone committed to alternative therapies is unlikely to come across as genuine if they attempt the white-coated clinical image.  And vice-versa.

If you are introducing something to the market, the chances are you will appeal to a small market of early innovators.  There are likely to be similar offers on the market and so the issue is how to stand out from the others.  So, target people who are most likely interested in your offer and speak to their worldview.

Once you have satisfied customers you will have evidence your approach works and so you can address a wider market.  As your reputation improves your market will expand.

So, perhaps it is better to see marketing as several initiatives that start extreme and slowly develop to support a larger market.

I suspect this will not work for everyone and indeed, if you have a sizeable market and an extreme approach, you may lose customers if you try to move your image to the mainstream.

 Find Your Tribe

So, the third strategy is to find your tribe.  The idea here is, assuming it is a large enough market, you can seek out the people drawn to your worldview.  So long as you can make enough money, you may find a small market of people who like what you are saying is all you need!

This may be good advice for most business start-ups.  You need to get established and show how your approach delivers.  You can then choose to focus on your tribe, because they like what you offer and can pay for it.  Or else attempt to develop a wider market.

This can be done by attempting sell the same thing to a different market, with a different worldview.  Or else you could use your reputation to design and market a related offer to a new market.  This new market may have its own worldview and so form effectively a new business.

You can therefore, attempt to enter the mass market or select smaller markets and design offers that resonate with them.  Some businesses offer a range of products or services that speak to different markets.  Some may be markets designed to generate income and others may be opportunities to use business skills in non-business contexts, eg voluntary work or pro bono offers.

This means you must structure your business with care so that your portfolio of offers clearly addresses distinct markets.

If this post has been helpful, please let me know, especially if you would like to expand on any point.

Clockface and pile of coins

Your Prospects’ Deepest Motivation

Your prospects may not know their deepest motivation!  Some find their values eroded by business pressures or other life events.  Their dreams are easily forgotten, especially if they were never fully articulated.   Others may have never thought through their deepest motivation.

Not all business-owners simply want to make profit.  Get rich quick does not appeal to everyone.  The reason people are in business varies.

Let me suggest three basic motivations for business owners.  Most people major on one or two but all are motivations people value.  They are: profit, values and time.  If their aim is work-life balance, your prospects need to work out how important each of these three are for them.

Let’s probe each motivation in turn to help you find the combination most likely to inspire your clients.  So, a business-person who is solely profit motivated would most likely prefer coaches who have detailed knowledge and understand of how financial systems work.  A values motivated prospect may find financial systems difficult, even if they need them.  A time motivated prospect may see some value in the profit-orientated coach.


The profit centred prospect puts profit first and excludes everything else.  Often this is a sensible starting point.  A business that generates profit is viable.  To put any other motivation first is to invite failure.  Most households need income and so it is not surprising many people put profit first.

The problem with this approach lies in the lack of any other motivation.  Sometimes lack of other motivation leads to loss of the incentive to get up in the morning.  Most people are not inspired by profit alone and want to contribute to wider society.  They get bored simply generating income, they believe there is more to life.

Another possibility is the business-owner loses sight of why they are there.  Business becomes solely an exploitative venture.  It is not so much the business owner starts illegal or misleading trading because they cease to care.  It is the ceasing to care that matters.  A pure profit motive atomises society and destroys community.  Perhaps if you are really good at making profit, you don’t need community.  The question is where that approach leads.


The values motivated business person sets out with a mission to change the world.  Sometimes they have a skill or a trade of real value and enjoy sharing it.  Their mission or values take precedence.

Their problem is they can find they are not making money.  Every service offered for free or at a discount, reduces their income.  They own a business that has a purpose (clarity of purpose may be lacking) but not the means to make their purpose real.  In the voluntary sector, this leads to grant dependency and in the private sector to bankruptcy.

To be solely values led is to invite failure.  And business failure means the business-owner will have no means to pursue their dream.  They may need to seek paid employment and that will mean they have less time to do what they enjoy doing.

Nevertheless, we need more values centred business owners because the world needs people with vision to help turn around failing local economies.  Values based business becomes viable when it recognises profit is necessary for success and worth pursuing to make their vision viable.

This is an important intersection.  Values offer the profit orientated business a sense of purpose and profit offers the values business success.  Viable businesses must place their business in the intersection between profit and values.


As more people find employment takes up too much time (working hours, overtime, travel) or find they are running between several zero-hours contracts, they begin to value the freedom to choose to take time out.

Often this is to spend time with a young family but it is true for all people.  I value the freedom to walk every afternoon.  I have no family but still value having time to use as I choose.

Of course, this motivation can backfire when self-employment results in even more hours of work.  Sometimes overwhelm arrives in fits and starts.  Perhaps a few hectic days or weeks followed by quieter periods but sometimes overwhelm sets in and never lets up.

Profit can relieve this problem as a time motivated business owner will seek systems that allow them to make a profit and have time for themselves.  If they have a strong values orientation, they may use their free time for voluntary activity.

The ideal for most people is where all three major motivations intersect; where they can generate profit to support their time out of the business and their values.


The key for you as a business owner is to find which of these motivates your prospects.   You can fine tune their motivation but the chances are whatever it is, it will fall in one or more of these three categories.

This will help you work out what their problem is.  Most business owners experience problems because they are blind to the consequences of decisions taken.  These decisions may have been unconscious or are perhaps forgotten.

Your offer may help them see the value of your support.

If your prospects are not business owners, their motivation may be different.  Can you work out the likely motivation of personal prospects?  If you found this post helpful and would like me to expand on some issue, please use the comments.

Stop signs montage

Prospects’ Objections to Your Proposition

Most prospects are suspicious of any offer and so will naturally think of objections, if only to give themselves time to think.

There is nothing wrong with time to think, so long as it results in a positive decision for mutual benefit.  Your objective in anticipating likely objections is you may be able to help the prospect’s  thinking.  This is an excellent way to show your competence as a coach.

It can be helpful to deal with as many objections as possible before you close.  At the point where you make an offer, simply ask if they have any questions.  This is where they can raise their concerns.  They may ask about your fees, which is usually a positive sign!

If your prices are realistic, the prospect may hesitate and raise objections like “I can’t afford it.”

I can’t afford it!

This is the most common and perhaps the hardest objection you will encounter.  My purpose here is to help you list likely objections.  So, remember many people, especially the British, don’t like to discuss money.  They may not always come straight out and say they simply can’t afford it.

Also, bear in mind, objections to money may be a means to buy time.  Your goal is to close at this meeting.  If you need to give people time, the chances are you won’t see them again.  If they need to consult their partner or an employer, give them a time limit and perhaps offer a small reduction if they respond before the deadline.

So, let’s assume you have received clear buying signals from your prospect and so need to close the deal.  They ask how much you charge and then they hesitate.

You are at step 5 on the awareness ladder and, if you have completed the other steps, the person is clearly interested in your offer.  Some people may have difficulty paying the full amount.  There may be various reasons for this but whatever they are, check out whether paying in instalments helps.

If someone really wants to invest in your coaching, the chances are they can find the money.  How they do this is their problem but they may need time to find it.  Again, instalments may help them marshal their funds.

Otherwise remind them of the benefits of investing in your offer and show why the benefits are worth more than their financial outlay.

Other Objections

Whilst price is often an objection, there are others you may wish to tackle.  This os the purpose of  step 4 of the awareness ladder.  You have someone with you, interested in your offer and possibly comparing it with others.  They may have questions and if you anticipate and answer to them in advance, you will have ready responses to hand.  You will also be used to thinking of responses to unexpected objections.

Here is a list I prepared from my experience with prospects, a couple of years ago.  These relate to my offer at that time, so use them to help plan the objections you list for your offer.

  • We don’t want to spend time on a website
  • We don’t believe in marketing.
  • We’re interested in supporting the disadvantaged, not businesses.
  • Why do you want all this information, we just want a website
  • We just want you to design a website for us

At the time I wrote this list, website design was my main offer.  These days I still offer to work on websites and spend a lot of time commenting on sites for my clients.  My current offer is a local marketing package.

Look for Patterns

Read your list and look for patterns.  Patterns might inform how you structure your marketing in the future.  For example, if you look at my list, some of the objections boil down to lack of time, whilst others are about values.

For the former I might talk about accountability and time management.  Many businesses fail because the owners don’t take time out to reflect on their business.  The time pressures they experience may in part be awareness they are not developing their business.

Values-centred businesses need help to understand the role money plays in their business.  It’s OK to make money because money keeps you going as a business.

Your aim is to rehearse a response for each objection in your list; building on what is already present in your marketing strategy.

If this post has been helpful, please tell me why and if there are any issues where you would welcome further information.

Hot air balloon reflected in ocean

Marketing Plan Implementation Starts Now!

This will come as no surprise and several people have mentioned this in my presence recently; the best time to implement your marketing plan is now!  Implementation is something you must not leave until your plan is complete.

The principle is “imperfect action” and that means you start implementing your plan as early as possible.  Is this even possible?  Well, let’s consider three options …


If you are like me you prefer words to action.  To you, the plan is the thing and once it is perfect, every i dotted and t crossed, you can sit back and contemplate a job well done!

You will have heard the saying: “the best is the enemy of the good”.  This is especially true in business, where every minute you spend writing your plan is one minute less to promote it.


You can of course, take the opposite approach and follow every idea with immediate action on the basis you are at least getting out there and becoming known.

Becoming known as what?  Endless opportunities present themselves in business, how do you know you have chosen the right one?  You can waste a lot of time or get tied into someone else’s agenda if you have no plan.


Your third option is Praxis or Action/Reflection.  Marketing Plans can be complex and take time to development.  But you can test elements of the plan while you reflect on other aspects.  As you encounter problems, modify your strategy in the light of developments.

Sometimes you need to pause and reconsider but aim to be an actor, a leader in your market, try not to become bogged down.  If one activity needs to be reconsidered, test something else in the meantime.

Praxis is a circulation between action and reflection.  Each cycle improves performance because you bring fresh observations to your thinking and new insights to your actions.  Ideas and insights  informed by actions, will bring a unique perspective, rooted in reality, to your business and so will make a real difference.

Let me know if you find this helpful.  Would you like me to expand on any aspect?

People meeting around a table

Places Where Prospects Congregate

Locating the places where prospects congregate is key to making contact with them.  These places may be online, offline or both.  It is worth creating new places for your prospects too.

Online or Offline?

Look for prospects online and offline, especially if your offer is B2B. If your offer is mainly Internet-related or to a global market, explore online media first.  Sections of the population who do not use online resources may be solely offline, eg elderly groups, although this is  less true year by year.

Social Media

Suggestions about how to contact Facebook and Linked-In prospects are in the circuit questionnaire.  If you find a group likely to interest your prospects, join it.  The next step is to take part in group discussions and start your own.  Try not to sell to these groups.  Once group members recognise and trust you, invite them to visit your website.

Publish lead magnets on your timelines.  Encourage people to share them or pass them to others who may be interested.  Twitter is another candidate and there are new media worth exploring, eg Instagram or Pinterest.

Don’t forget blogs!  If you find blogs published by competitors, read them to find out what they write about.  Can you improve on their posts?  They may inform your own blog posts or your website content. Avoid copying directly; respect copyright and remember anyone interested may read your rival’s blogs as well as yours.

Take their topic and prepare a better post.  You could write your post as a response to your rival’s.  Say their post inspired you and then write something that builds on and transforms it.

Your rival may aim for different prospects to yours and so if you comment constructively on their blog, there may in time be an opportunity to write a guest post for them.  Some blogs actively seek guest writers and so long as your prospects read their blog, an article by you may be fruitful.

Network Groups and Events

In real life seek groups your prospects are likely to attend.  There may be many networks and events in any town or city.

Network groups usually meet regularly, often fortnightly, and they are opportunities to share your elevator pitch, make contacts and occasionally speak at length.  Usually these groups meet over a meal and charge a small fee (about £10-15) for the food and other costs.  Some have membership fees and associated privileges, eg only members may deliver longer talks.  Others are specialist groups, eg WordPress users or social enterprise that attract people with specific interests.  Such groups may actively seek speakers.

Events are one-off activities, usually around a theme.  You can find them online through sites such as Eventbrite and Meetup.  These are almost always network opportunities and may be organised by people with offers complementary to yours.


Are there publications your prospects read?  If so, can you write for them?  Published articles can be powerful ways to raise your profile.  Bear in mind though, they are likely to be current for only a short time, so you may need to think carefully about how you build on a one-off article.

Reading a publication you know your prospects read may help you find topics of interest to them as well as events they are likely to attend.

Organising Your Own Events

Online or offline, if you organise your own events, this will raise your profile.

Online publish your ideas through a blog or webinars.  Video and audio recordings are popular too.  If you have online products, a product launch is a great way to promote your business.

Offline, organise your own events, workshops or network groups.  You may find the market crowded and so you need to find an angle that does not duplicate what is already happening.

The biggest problem you have, both online and offline, is marketing new activities.  Most people put a lot of time into designing events and relatively little time promoting them.  Try writing marketing copy first, promote it and see if you get a response.  Put in the time to design the event in detail if you do get a response.  If you get very few people, offer them a downsized alternative and close down the main event.

If you are interested in more detail about the possibilities listed here, let me know.  What related topics would you like me to cover?

Till receipt

What is Your Prospect’s Ability to Pay?

Your prospects’ ability to pay is a vexed question.  You need to make a living and so set your prices at a realistic level.  Your prospects may not be able to afford them.

Here are two perspectives to consider.  Yours as a business owner and your prospects who may also be business owners.

Generally Coaches Charge Too Little

Many coaches and consultants charge too little.  Sometimes this is because coaches structure their business on sessions and there is a limit to the amount you can charge for an hour’s coaching.

The alternative is to sell the benefits of your coaching.  This means you charge according to the value of your offer to your prospects.  Success depends on how you market your offer.

Most websites take up a lot of space describing features and relatively little demonstrating their benefits.

So, how much should I charge?

First, do not associate your prices with the time you spend working for the client.  Your client has no way of knowing how much time you put into your business. The idea contact time is what they pay for is absurd.  Think about the time you spend preparing for meetings and following them up.  In addition, there is the time you spend building your skills and your business.

Benefits transform the way you think about your business.  I know people who have increased their prices, decreased the time they work for their clients and as a result increased their sales.  Why? Because overall they improved their offer.

If you can decrease the time per client and increase the quality of your service, you can increase the number of clients you serve.  But maybe you don’t need to if a few clients on higher prices is all you need to break even.  A lot depends on marketing an irresistible, well-targeted offer.

When should you increase your prices?

As often as you like.  Some people increase their prices once a month or quarter.  Usually by a small percentage.  This means they are confident their offer is similar to the previous month’s but over time income per client grows significantly.

You can increase your prices if you are getting a lot of prospects.  Your focus is on those who can afford your prices.  Others who can’t, will look elsewhere.  Fewer clients at higher prices means you have time for other activities.

Another possibility is increase both the quality of your offer and your prices.  One possible objection to high prices is false modesty.  You undervalue your own business when your prices are artificially low.  You’ve worked hard to develop a valuable offer and yet fear to ask a realistic price that represents the work you’ve put into it.

What Kind of Investment Will This Represent?

Higher prices increase the numbers of prospects who cannot afford your offer.  Or so you think!  More prospects have ability to pay than you think. There are three possibilities:

  1. Affluent prospects can afford your prices. They may think they have a bargain.  Don’t even think about telling them they haven’t.  You are offering them a benefit they want and they are willing to pay for it.
  2. Some prospects walk away because they genuinely cannot afford your offer. You may make a referral to someone cheaper, a simple and helpful move.  Or perhaps you can develop a low-end offer that does not deliver the same benefits but satisfies those who cannot afford the full service.  Low-end packages are opportunities for wealthier people to try your services too.  Once people have purchased from you, they are likely to do so again.
  3. There are people who think they cannot afford your offer but really can! They may not be used to paying consultants’ fees and baulk when they first hear it.  Your task is to help these people decide this is right for them.  You need to be confident in your own mind they will find genuine benefit from your offer.  Your fees may be a significant investment in their business or their lives and so you need to honour the sacrifice they make for their business.

Sometimes prospects need time to decide.  Put a time limit to this period.  You need to know when an offer you have made has expired.   This allows you to move on.

Sometimes people say “No for now” and may approach you again at a later date when they have explored other options.

The Thing to Remember

The key is your marketing and the attractiveness of your offer.  When someone turns down your offer, it is not always they can’t afford it.  It could be the problem is in your presentation of your offer.  Prospects have been known to claim the price is too high and then go with a coach with even higher charges.  The key is how well you sell and not so much your charges!

Let me know if the topic of this post has been helpful.  If you would like me to expand on this topic in any way, I’ll be happy to have a go!

Mechanical grabber with open jaws

Why You Must Grab Opportunities

This is the advice: identify, target and grab.  To be successful in business (and in just about anything) you must grab opportunities.

Is it ethical to grab opportunities?  You want me to put in less forceful language? Would you be thinking about ethics if I said you must take opportunities?

Look, I’m not suggesting you break the law or snatch lollipops from the hands of small children.  I suspect most of our objections amount not so much to grabbing as failure to grab.  What if something goes wrong? What if they reject me?  If rejected, be pleased you made the effort!

Identify, Target, Grab

So, be present and aware of opportunities as they present themselves. Identify opportunities to meet people interested in your offer. You attend a network meeting, with a room full of people, and any may be potential opportunities.

If there are a lot of people present, find out who may be interested in your offer.  Perhaps you will hear their pitches.  Target 1 or 2 people and be sure to talk to them.

Have a conversation and make them an offer.  Note the word “grab” is actually a metaphor.  You haven’t actually grabbed anything.  But you have acted decisively.  Do it often enough and your business will be a success.


I deliberately chose “grab” but could just as easily written about the need to be present in any situation.  Awareness is the key to any business, so you can act when you find an opportunity.

One of the issues that bedevils marketing is the use of language. The language of grab is common and conforms to a masculine worldview.  The language of presence or awareness conforms to a feminine wordview.

At least, that is what we are led to believe.  Masculine and feminine are perhaps helpful shorthand but the truth is more complex.  These distinct approaches to the same thing are commonly associated with male and female but in practice they are associated with personality types and not the sex of the person using them.

The question is which language builds community?  We cannot sustain a world where grabbing for myself is the norm.

Please let me know if this post has been helpful.  I’d be happy to expand on any of the issues raised.

How Many Conversions Do You Need?

Hopefully, you know what conversion is!  The word describes when someone responds to something on your website in the way you want them to, eg by making a purchase or signing up for something.  But it can just as easily apply to a decision made at an in-person meeting.  The question: How many conversions do you need? implies the number of sales you need to break even.

This question in the circuit questionnaire is about your business viability.  If you cannot meet this target, it means sooner or later your business will fail.  This is not about your aspirations but the practicalities of making your business work.

For the values-centred business, your business follows the same rules as everyone else’s.  Once you know you can meet your target, you have capacity to invest your income in your causes.

How to Make the Calculation

Conceptually, the calculation is not too difficult.  You divide the price you charge for your offer into the amount you need to live and pay for your business (your annual turnover).  However, these can be more complicated than they first appear.

Your Turnover

Your turnover or outgoings are the sum of your business overheads and costs plus your drawings.  The linked post explains them but here is a quick summary:

  • Business Overheads are your fixed business costs. However much activity you have, these costs are constant.  Usually they cover things like staff pay, premises, heat and light, taxes, etc.
  • Business Costs vary with business activity. You may need to buy more things as your business grows.  This includes occasional or one-off purchases, including training and coaching.
  • Drawings are the finance you take from the business to live on. Not everyone does this, some people pay themselves a salary, typically once they set up as a company.  If so, drawings will be zero.  Also, if you receive other income from paid work, benefits, pensions, etc; then you can subtract these from your total.

Don’t get hung up on detail here.  The main thing is to find an approximate figure.  You can refine it later as you get figures from your business practice.  Your outgoings will change as your business develops.  You may find that when you hit your target, your costs increase because your business activity has increased!  So, be generous in your calculation and careful about your actual expenditure!

Your Charges

If you have a single offer, this is simply how much you charge for it.  But take care.  Many business owners charge less than their advertised fees for various reasons.  For example, I charge on paper £1500 for one of my offers.  For various stated reasons though, I usually cut this by £200.  So, the fee is actually nearer £1300.

If you have a single offer, you simply divide its price into your total outgoings and this tells you how many sales you need over a year.

However, few business owners have a single offer.  I generally recommend having between 2 and 4 offers.  With two offers, you can offer a choice and this reduces prospects saying no.  More than 4 offers are likely to be confusing for you and your prospects.

There are a few options here.  You could use your highest priced offer and this will show you how many of these sales you need to make.  Some people argue you should aim to sell your highest offer because it is hard work finding clients and so you need to get the best returns you can when you find one.  The alternative view is you want to sell the best package for the client and they might not need your high-end package.

If you have many packages or sell a range of products or have a specialist market with individually tailored offers, perhaps the easiest approach is to calculate your average monthly income, divide it into your turnover and multiply the result by the average number of customers.  No approach is accurate but you don’t need absolute precision.

If you know on average how much a customer spends, it is the figure you need.

What To Do Next

When you complete the calculation you have the number of customers or purchases you need per year.  Divide by 12 to get the monthly number.  This is a useful figure because it gives you an idea of the challenge you face to find enough customers to break even.

There are broadly two ways you can respond to these figures.  If the number of customers are higher than you are already experiencing, you must either find more customers or increase your prices.

Price increases become easier as you become established.  If you have a positive reputation and find people are recommending you, this is the time for a price increase.  There are various strategies but it is far and away the most effective strategy towards business viability, so long as your marketing is effective.

It may be possible to increase customer numbers, as you become more experienced, review packages, adapt them to your customer’s needs and improve your marketing.

Perhaps the most important outcome is it shows you whether have a viable business.  Do not despair if the outcome shows you are not viable.  A minor change in direction may be all you need.  This may be where you need a coach to help you think through your next step.

Has this post been helpful?  Let me know what else you need to know about this topic.

What is Your Market Size?

Here is a paradox for the freelance.  Consider the question: what is the size of your market? You might think the larger the size, the better it is for you.  This is rarely true.

Mass and Niche Markets

Most of the advertising we see aims at a mass market.  Consider its content.  It promotes products that meet our basic needs.  So, you see adverts for food, clothes, cars and so on.  You don’t see mass market adverts for coaches or consultants.

Mass marketing focuses upon whatever is new.  The latest films or TV programmes have a mass market appeal.  Even a coach with a brilliant new approach, does not use mass marketing.

Cost is an important factor.  Granted, advertising online is available to niche businesses; it is not on the scale of hoardings, TV adverts, newspapers and magazines.  Such large-scale advertising is still out of reach for small business owners.

This is not really a problem because there is a more profound reason small businesses don’t use broadcast advertising.

They have a niche market.  To address the whole population is redundant.  If your niche is in a particular locality, there is no point telling the world you are there.  The people in your niche need to know you are there and no-one else.

So, the challenge for most freelancers is to find the narrow group of people in their target market.  There are marketing approaches that work for these groups and not for the mass market.

How to Find Your Niche

You need to find your niche and almost certainly find this rather difficult.  Why?  It is hard to see how narrowing your market can increase your business.  It’s counter-intuitive to think you increase business by turning some people off.

But marketing is costly in time and money.  To waste time communicating with people who are not interested in your offer is not going to get you far.  If people approach you because you are known for your offer to them, this is far more efficient.  All you need is to work out how to turn their interest into commitment to working with you.

Let’s focus on narrowing your niche.  The big mistake people make is to think their niche is one-dimensional.  There is a lot you can do to design your packages to appeal to a narrow group of people.

Other Ways to Narrow Your Niche

Just as you make choices when designing your packages, you can also make choices about other things.

  • Your values are important. I am often criticised for my emphasis on values and especially the local economy.  I am seeking business owners who share these same values.  So, it makes sense.  I find people drawn to these values are more likely to be interested in my offer.
  • You can decide to narrow your market in specific ways, to voluntarily cut people from your market.  This is specialising in a specific segment of your market.  You might choose to offer your service to one sex,  for example business coaching for women.  You can help men by sign-posting them to other practitioners.  If you go down this road, get professional advice about what you can and can’t do.
  • You can choose to narrow the geographical location of your business. There isn’t a coach of my type in this area and so I’ll focus my marketing here.  Some businesses find they do well out of this focus, perhaps getting 70-80% of their business from their chosen area.

Specialisation and Prejudice

When you narrow your market, you are stating a preference not building a wall to keep out undesirables.  The decisions you make help you target your market.  It is not a failure if you draw some customers who don’t quite fit your market definition.

Indeed, these customers may be immensely valuable because they may point to a better definition of your market.  Prejudice would make you unable to see this new opportunity.

To specialise is to choose your preference because you believe it is for people most likely to take a serious interest in your offer.

Let’s say you want to specialise in delivering a service for women that could be equally valuable for men.  You have your reasons for this choice, let’s assume they are valid and don’t amount to discrimination.

First, note most men know some women, they may know women in your market.  You cannot afford to put men off because you need them to carry your message to your market.

Do all your packages need to be women only?  If you are a coach, you could deliver workshops to both men and women.  This would help all involved understand your offer and in partnership with someone who makes a similar offer to men, it could be a powerful marketing opportunity for many businesses.

If you are an expert in the particular issues women face in business, it makes sense to seek the market who can benefit.  Maybe outrage at the discrimination women face in working life is legitimate.  The challenge for the niche marketer is saying this with good grace.


To define your niche is a massive step forward because you can address them directly.  But do not make the mistake of thinking your niche is set in stone.  Be alert for those who approach you out of the blue.

They have heard your message and it appeals to them in some way.  Find out why.

Have you ever been surprised by who has responded to your marketing?

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