
This topic revisits the question Who is Your Market? by clarifying a common misunderstanding – the market is the customers, not the businesses who occupy the marketplace. This post goes on to reprise the basic elements of market as community and not consumption.

The next step is to list Two Essentials for Your Avatar, in the sense that all avatars should have these essentials in common. They need to respond to your offer and be positively inclined to it.

But even with a good avatar you are still the author of your own website. This raises a number of issues, eg if the language of the site is not the language of your market. This is why Using Testimonials can be helpful. Also by listening to your market you are likely to hear new ideas that can be converted into attractive offers.

The next post describes seven Sources of Testimonials. All of them can provide valuable feedback although one is particularly effective.

In How to Collect Testimonials I suggest perhaps one of the most powerful approaches to collecting testimonials and some guidance about how to set about it.

And then in How to Use Testimonials I cover some basic suggestions about how copy from testimonials can be used and how it can be integrated into the copy on your website.