How Badge Value Conveys Status
Status is why prospects accept or refuse your offer. The problem is, for most offers, it is not obvious to third parties the customer has experienced the offer. Perhaps they need something with badge value.
What is It?
Some years ago a colleague, who was a development worker in a neighbouring town, organised a community garden. People in the town volunteered to help build the garden. They included children. So, my colleague designed certificates for the children. She was nonplussed when the adults complained they had not received a certificate.
The certificate showed they helped. They had no other evidence of their involvement and they had bought into the value of the project.
Branding has badge value. There is something about designer clothing those in the know recognise. The problem is how do you show you have done something if it is not visible?
You go on a course and receive a certificate but perhaps a badge you can add to a website helps? Or with a client from a well-known business or organisation, can you show their logo on your website?
Testimonials and blurbs have badge value. The fact they are there is effective, even if people don’t read them.
Value for the Client
There are two things to consider here. Do you need a badge to offer clients to show they have completed your coaching or consultancy? This can double as a promotional tool.
Or you may help your client find the badge they need to promote their business.
How to Get There
There are many types of badge and your particular circumstances help you choose which is best.
- The badge may be integral to your offer, eg a hairstyle.
- Designer labels
- Actual badges to pin on clothing
- Certificates
- Articles in printed media, which can be used to promote your business, eg in a restaurant window
- Badges on websites and social media
- Logos and designs
- Carrier bags are perhaps no longer a good ideas but bags for life can show allegiance to a particular store or supplier.
- Group photos can be circulated on social media.
Your Offer
Bear in mind a badge for your customers may serve as publicity for your business. Also, some customers may not want a badge, eg customers being coached for some reason they find embarrassing.
So, ask permission where the badge is not integral to your offer. Where customers experience embarrassment, try suggesting they help others by “paying it forward”.
Offer something customers are proud to be a part of so that wearing the badge is a genuine increase on status.
This is the twelfth of 31 posts about elements of value. Make sure you don’t miss any by signing up for the offer below. The posts in this sequence can be accessed below:
- Social impact: Self-transcendence
- Life Changing: Provide Hope, Self-Actualisation, Motivation, Heirloom, Affiliation and Belonging
- Emotional: Reduces Anxiety, Rewards Me, Nostalgia, Design / Aesthetics, Badge Value
Next: Wellness + 4 more
- Functional: 14