Daily Archives: September 5, 2014

Cornerstone Pages

Over the August break, I’ve done a lot of background work on this site.  There are not a lot of changes to see just yet, but I have a lot of plans for the future and will discuss them here as the site evolves.

I suggest you open the home page of my site in another tab so that you can follow the account below.

The main change is the Cornerstone Pages.  If you look in the main navigation, you will see I’ve added four new main menus.  They share names with the four main categories I use for the blog on Mondays through to Thursdays.

If you click on “Blog” this will take you to the start of the blog.  You will find the latest post at the top of the page and then as you scroll down you’ll find each post in the reverse order of posting.

Hover over “Blog” and you will see a drop-down menu.  These are the four main categories and if you click on them you will see the latest post in that category and scroll down to find earlier posts in reverse order of posting.

There are further subcategories and their pages can be found by clicking on the links in the right hand sidebar.  I have rationalised these over the summer and so some of the names have changed and I’ve also made sure there is one sequence per subcategory, which should be less confusing.

One problem is if you want to read the posts in order you need to scroll down to the bottom and then read them backwards.  And it is not always easy to see from a subcategory title what a sequence is about.  These are the reasons for the Cornerstone Pages.

Click on one of the new main categories, eg Mutuality.  You will find this takes you to a page, ie not a post, which explains what this main category is about and then offers a brief description of each of its subcategories.  Follow the link and it will take you to a Cornerstone page for that subcategory.  This lists all the relevant posts in the correct order. You can also access subcategory pages through the drop-down menus.

This means you can quickly find out what a sequence is about and access the more detailed blog posts if you wish.  These pages can be search engine optimised using keywords.

I shall add new Cornerstones from time to time as posts accumulate in new categories.

Do you find this approach helpful?  How would you improve it?

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